Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tuesday - skiing lessons and more

A view across to the Sterling Mountain... and though it may not look like it, we had quite a bit of blue sky on Tuesday!

Our girls are in two different groups for their skiing lessons/activitiy sessions.
Kiara is in the 3-5's group the Discovers, and Gabriella is in the 6-10 Adventurers. Both groups mix up skiing and other (indoor) activities, as age-appropriate. The younger ones spend rather more time indoors due to their endurance (and sometimes, simply, the temperature outside!)
Both girls had a great first day, and today continued in the same vein. Gabriella was able to go on the chair lift today, and therefore started heading further up the mountain. Kiara also was using the chair lift by the end of the day.

Camp runs 9 til 2.15 (including lunch) and then with some kind of show in the afternoon - sing-along with the Friendly Pirates, magic show etc.

The adults have also been taking ski lessons each morning. Yesterday was a good warm up, getting back in the groove, but today we had a new instructor who was a lot more useful in terms of reminding us of the basics, and then gradually adding more and more ways to think about, and feel, what our feet, knees, arms, etc should be doing. By the end of the session, I felt a lot more secure. Previously, if I had managed to do something right, it kind of felt like an accident. Today, I might actually have meant to do it!

During the afternoon we followed Gabriella's class down the mountain, which was fun. I am happy to say that we are still as fast and tidy as the class of 6-10 year olds....

We are going to go snowshoeing as a family on Thursday, on a family guided walk. We wondered whether Orlando might even be able to walk on showshoes, so we went to the Nordic center to try... He managed to walk pretty well, actually, though he is really unlikely to be able to manage the whole walk. We'll take a little sled too...

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