Sunday, January 18, 2009


As savvy readers will notice, this is being posted late... we were just too busy to post on Thursday, plus our internet connection went down in the evening anyway!

Here's what we did Thursday - just so you can get some kind of an idea what a winter holiday at Smuggler's Notch can be like (if you want to take advantage of most of what is offered...)

7 AM - wake up
7.3o AM - breakfast
8.00 AM - get ready (get everyone into multiple layers, helmets, goggles and ski boots)
8.30 AM - Alex, Gabriella and Kiara shuttle to the slopes to get one run in before classes...
9.00 AM - Maritala and Orlando shuttle to Treasures Day Care Centre
9.00 AM - Alex runs to rental center to pick up ski-poles for Gabriella (forgotten from last evening)
9.10 AM - Gabriella's lesson starts. Alex and Kiara head up the mountain for one short run, and then one long (a bit too long!) trip down, right from the top of the mountain.
10.00 AM - Maritala starts lesson, no sign of Alex yet (still coming slowly down the mountain with Kiara
10.10 AM - Alex and Kiara arrive at meeting hall, only to find that her class had just headed back up the mountain! We took a shuttle and caught up with them just in time.
10.20 AM - Alex spots Maritala and instructor heading down the hill - flags them down, and finally joins lessson! We head over to the part of the mountain that we have not yet skiied, Stirling and Madonna mountain. We ski down Stirling.
12.00 PM - kids have lunch with their classes, we have our lunch at the bottom of the mountain, and then head across to Morse Mountain, in order to see the kids doing their "Cookie Races"...
1.00 PM - Cookie Race - fun mini-obstacle course "races" for the kids.
1.20 PM - All 4 of us head back up the mountain, for a couple more runs down.
2.15 PM - Maritala picked up Orlando, headed back to condo. We took shuttle. Took off ski boots - aahhh...
2.45 PM - Shuttle to Nordic Center, for Family Snowshoe Walk
3.00 PM - Family Snowshoe guided walk through the woods
4.00 PM - Played in the Funzone (indoor fun place, with bouncy castles, big slides, mazes etc
5.00 PM - Pizza at the restaurant
6.00 PM - Evening show - video and pictures from the Cookie Race, then a live show, and a part of a marionette show (the Hobbit, so way too creepy for kids, really)
6.45 PM - Ice cream in Ben and Jerry's
7.30 PM - back to the condo
8.30 PM - kids finally asleep! Start packing!
12.00 AM - Packing finished, some bags in car already, the rest waiting by the door. Adults finally asleep...
6.30 AM - up again...

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